Rubber VMQ Silicone

The main characteristics of VMQ silicone rubber are that they retain good elasticity values even at extreme temperatures, particularly in pneumatic applications, where they are only slightly affected by ageing. However, they have little resistance to mechanical stress and prove easy to extrude under high pressures. Their purity and non-toxic characteristics make them particularly suitable for applications in the biomedical sector.

General Features: Rubber VMQ Silicone

Service temperature: -65 to 220 (260) C°.
Shore hardness: 40 ÷ 80 / Specific weight: 1.09 ÷ 1.70

  • Excellent thermostability
  • Excellent resistance to UV radiation
  • Poor air and gas impermeability
  • Excellent colourability and transparency
  • Excellent resistance to ageing and great stability
  • to ozone and ultraviolet radiation
  • Excellent dielectric behaviour over a wide
  • temperature range
  • Excellent elastic characteristics in the wide range
  • of hardnesses available
  • Very good elongation at break
  • Very good breaking load
  • Physiological indifference
  • Odourless and tasteless
  • Excellent dimensional stability
  • Surface anti-adhesive
  • Conforms to BGA, FDA, KTW standards for food contact

Trade names: Rubber VMQ Silicone

PSilopren (Bayer AG), Silastic (Dow Corning), SE Bensil (General Electric).

Compatibility and Chemical Behaviour: Rubber VMQ Silicone

Good resistance:

  • Ozone, oxygen and weathering
  • Vegetable and animal oils
  • Water and salt solutions up to 100°c
  • Hydrogen peroxide and numerous oxidising substances
  • Water and glycols
  • Food
  • Physiological liquids

Medium resistance:

  • Hydraulic fluids based on phosphoric esters
  • Numerous synthetic dielectric oils
  • Distilled water up to 100°c
  • Some esters
  • Mineral oils with medium to high aniline point
  • Acetone

Poor resistance:

  • Aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Strong acids and mineral bases
  • Steam above 120°c
  • Ketones (higher homologues of acetone)
  • Polar solvents
  • Mineral oils
  • Refrigeration fluids

Specialising in industrial seals

Pre- and after-sales advice and assistance

Customer request

We carefully evaluate each of our customers' requests in order to offer customised, quality solutions.

Technical consultancy

Proven experience in various manufacturing sectors: mechanical engineering, automotive, hydraulics, petroleum and pharmaceuticals. We offer tailor-made solutions, guaranteeing high quality and customer satisfaction.


Our production includes both standard and customised production, even with special compounds. we produce customised seals based on customer drawings within a short time frame.

Logistics and Warehouse

Timeliness of delivery thanks to a large warehouse that enables rapid dispatch and delivery.


we offer customised labels to give your products a unique touch. We are here to provide you with a customised service that perfectly suits your business needs.


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